Michael Jordan 于 1985 年曾着用的原版 Air Jordan 1 球鞋即将举行拍卖

网络 2020年05月09日 13:23

不仅 Air Jordan 1 鞋款本身已经持续狂热中,最近由 ESPN 与 Netflix 携手策划而来的纪录片《The Last Dance》亦获得了高度的关注,甚至超越另一纪录片《Tiger King》成为全球 20 大最受欢迎节目之一。从纪录片内重新体认到 Michael Jordan 的王者气焰之外,最近着名拍卖行 Sotheby’s 亦顺应时势找来一双 MJ 在 1985 年穿着过的原版 Air Jordan 1。该鞋是经典的「Chicago」配色,配上元祖 Air Jordan 飞翼标志、鞋舌采用 Nike Air 标志,而右脚更有 MJ 的亲举签名,鞋码编号「850204 TYPS」标示了其生产日期为 1985 年 2 月(02)和 4 月(04)之间,从 MJ 当年脚伤的时间(1985 年 10 月 29 日)推测,可以得出他是在 1985 年 2 月到 1985 年 10 月 29 日期间所着用的。该鞋目前估价约在 100,000 美元到 150,000 美元之间,有兴趣的朋友目前已可到 Sotheby’s 的相关网站查询更多详情。


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? ? Game-worn and autographed by the legendary Michael Jordan, these Nike Air Jordan 1s from 1985 are now available for bidding in our special online sale: ‘The One | MJ’s Air Jordan 1s’. One of the most important basketball sneakers of all time, these sneakers were made exclusively by Nike for the NBA Chicago Bulls player, representing the first ever signature sneaker and paving the way for other star players like #ScottiePippen, #PennyHardaway, #CharlesBarkley, #KobeBryant, #LeBronJames and more to have their own signature shoes. Featuring the Chicago Bulls white, black and red colorway, the pair was worn by #Jordan during a pivotal early period of his career. Open for bidding through 17 May, head to our link in bio to learn more. #SothebysAirJordans #MichaelJordan #JUMPMAN #NBA

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