Rolls-Royce 预告全球限量 50 台的 Dawn Silver Bullet 两座跑车

网络 2020年03月13日 15:53

英国超豪品牌 Rolls-Royce 在不久之前就正式公布了他们踏入 2020 年代的首款限量车款的预告图片,一如以往各款顶尖车型以「Silver」为名,全新的 Dawn Silver Bullet 从上世纪 1920 年代的敝篷跑车吸取灵感,从 4 张就像草图的照片中可以发现,其车身以特制的金属银色构成外观,将以往 Dawn 的四座设定为两座设定,后方收纳车顶的部分亦变成更具线条及跑味的扰流罩,其内饰部分当然一如 Rolls-Royce 素来的顶级奢设计,除了碳纤维材质的装饰之外,亦加入大量真皮部件,不过有关方面则未有透露其动力配置。全新 Rolls-Royce Dawn Silver Bullet 将只限量生产 50 台,不过暂时未有详细的售价资讯,只知道车厂将会为车款特制「旅行团」以鼓励车主们享受驾驶这台限量车。

在 Instagram 查看这则贴文

Goodwood to Côte d'Azur: The Journey of Dawn Silver Bullet⁠ ⁠ Dawn Silver Bullet is a modern emblem for those seeking spontaneous escape and adventure.⁠ ⁠ In this five-part series, father and son act on inspiration and take the open road as a team. Follow along as they venture into the unknown and establish a bonding tradition, destined to be passed on from generation to generation.⁠ ⁠ The start of their journey begins in the only imaginable place — Goodwood, the home of Rolls-Royce and a storied estate hidden in the heart of West Sussex, England.⁠ ⁠ Discover The Journey of Dawn Silver Bullet in its entirety. Link in bio.⁠ ⁠ #RollsRoyceDawn

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