乐坛超新星 Billie Eilish 接受采访谈论心理健康、保持谦虚及成年等议题

网络 2020年02月05日 16:23

备受瞩目的明日之星  Billie Eilish 上个月才于第 62 届葛莱美奖称霸,夺得「最佳专辑」、「最佳流行演唱专辑」、「最佳制作」、「最佳歌曲」与「最佳新人」等五项大奖。并且近日也有宣布今年的世界巡回演唱会行程,将会登陆港、台两地举办演唱会。

今番 Billie Eilish 则是登上了 VOGUE 杂志封面,并接受采访,谈论了自己的童年、心理健康状况、保持谦卑,以及自己刚迈入成年阶段等议题。其实 Billie Eilish 的父母因为想要多陪伴孩子,而决定利用自学方式,在家中教导 Eilish 及其哥哥 Finneas;不过另一方面也是因为 Eilish 拥有中枢听觉处理障碍以及妥瑞症等症状,这两项症状会使得她在学校不是那么容易获得良好的学习过程。Eilish 提到:「有时我只是想拥有一个储物柜,或在我自己的学校里跳舞,并且可能不想听老师讲课而是想要放声地大笑。这些是我唯一感兴趣的事情。」

此外,Eilish 也公开了她与忧郁症搏斗的过程,最早期在她 13 岁时忧郁症便发作了。

「我只是讨厌我的身体,我会去做任何可能让我成为不同样貌的人的事情,因为我很想成为模特儿,但是我当时又胖又矮。而且我真的很早就发育了,9 岁时就有胸部、11 岁时就有了生理期,所以我的身体发展算是快过于大脑。这很有趣,因为当你还是个小孩时,你根本不会想到自己的身体。但突然之间你低下头,就会觉得『哇!我该怎么做才能让它们消失?』」

Eilish 同时也向所有与她有同样困扰的人给出建议:「我唯一能说的就是保持『耐心』。我对自己有耐心,没有直接想跨到最后一步,而是慢慢等待,事情会渐渐淡化的。」

凭藉着她的所作所为,以及所得到的成就,很容易就忘记 Eilish 其实最近才刚满 18 岁。VOGUE 记者 Rob Haskell 说,Eilish 在她 18 岁生日时举办了一个小型生日派对来庆祝,派对属性包含了 Skee-Ball、手足球、充气城堡、皮纳塔,还有自制的手作蛋糕等等,非常符合 18 岁年纪。

而本月晚些时候,Eilish 预计会在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上演出,3 月份开始则是要进行世界巡回演唱,尽管她已经获得了成功,但 Eilish 仍对在聚光灯下成长感到担忧,她其实也说:「去年我在欧洲巡回演唱会时,其实内心是处于最低点的,当时我很担心自己会崩溃,也怕自己就跑去剃了光头。」由此也可见,Billie Eilish 看似超龄的外貌,其实内心仍是正在成长的青年,需要一定的稳定环境来让自己的心灵跟着成长。期望未来 Billie Eilish 能够找到更多空间,并克服重重难关,让自己保持最佳状态。


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At the 2020 #Grammys, 18-year-old @billieeilish walked away with four of the night’s biggest awards, including best new artist, record of the year, album of the year, and song of the year. In winning those four major awards, she also replaced @TaylorSwift as the youngest-ever solo winner for album of the year and became the first woman and second person ever to win record of the year, album of the year, song of the year, and best new artist in the same year. Now, she can also add Vogue cover star to her impressive resume. For our March issue, Vogue commissioned three unique covers—all starring @billieeilish—from three different photographers. Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile. Photographed by @harleyweir, styled by @alex_jordan_harrington, written by @robertjhaskell, Vogue, March 2020.

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March cover star @billieeilish’s irresistible brand of dreamy, macabre anti-pop has made her into a new kind of hit maker–and #Grammys-winning artist. Tap the link in our bio for the full profile. For this issue, Vogue commissioned three unique covers—all starring @billieeilish—from three different photographers. Photographed by @ethanjamesgreen, styled by @alex_jordan_harrington, written by @robertjhaskell, Vogue, March 2020.

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@billieeilish is our March cover star! For this issue, Vogue commissioned three unique covers—all starring @billieeilish—from three different photographers. Tap the link in our bio for the full profile. Photographed by @hassanhajjaj_larache, styled by @alex_jordan_harrington, written by @robertjhaskell, Vogue, March 2020.

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Surprise! Vogue’s fourth exclusively digital cover features @billieeilish illustrated by 16-year-old Nastya Kovtun (@kovtunnnastya). Tap the link in our bio to read the full profile. Illustrated by @kovtunnnastya, written by @robertjhaskell, Vogue, March 2020.

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